Friday, August 29, 2008

Anastacia's first immunizations

Anastacia had her first set of shots today. It went well - I nursed her while the nurse was giving her the shots and she didn't cry very much. She got 3 shots total, I almost couldn't stand it. I had to go by myself b/c Shawn had to work. Brandy kept Colten and Mahala b/c they were very upset at the thought of their baby sister getting shots, so I did not think it would be a good idea for them to be there. She is sore, she has been crying off and on. We are giving her some tylenol for the soreness and praying a lot. It was really cool b/c we were driving down the road and she was crying really hard, so Shawn and I both started praying and she got really quiet. A few minutes later she let out a yell like she was hurting again, so we both instantly started praying. She whimpered just a second and then stopped. I know that God is watching over her and He will take care of her.

Oh, she weighed 14 lbs 15 oz and measured 24 inches long. The doctor was shocked at how much she has gained since birth - she said my milk must be very good!! She said that Anastacia is in the 90th percentile for her weight and the 74th percentile for her length. So that explains the double chin!!!

Park Day with Tower Christian School

We had our first group get-together with our school tonight. We met at Bicentennial Park and had brownies and ice cream. The kids basically had a free time to play and get to know their "schoolmates." I don't know how much they actually branched out and met other kids tonight because there are several in our group that they know from Celebration. But they did have a blast and were at least around some of the other kids. There will be lots more chances to get to know some of the other kids, so we aren't too concerned. We are just so glad that they were able to have a good time with friends. So here are a few of the pics we took....

Here's Colten digging in the sand....surprised?? Not me - this kid was rolling in the sand by the time it was over with. Don't believe me?? See for yourself.......

Mahala posing - pretending like she was playing in the sand - not so much least not as much as Colten.

She was, however very interested in swinging. She stayed in this swing for over 1/2 an hour with her friend Haddie pushing her.

Can you believe I actually got a picture?!!!?? I am always the photographer, so I don't usually make it into the pictures. But Shawn actually took the camera and said "Here, let me take a picture of you and Anastacia." My sweet hubby!!!

Anastacia and Daddy sliding down the slide...yes, they really did slide ~ Anastacia's first time ever sliding ~ awwww!!!! I'm not sure Anastacia really cared right then (she was ready for a nap), but Daddy seems to be havin' fun!!!

So, as you can see, we had a great time. Oh, one last picture - this was hilarious! Colten was running backwards across the sand with a shovel in his hand and he fell. :>o And I caught it on camera....hahahahaha!!!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just watch....

Okay, I know this is so dumb b/c I videoed it sideways (freak!) - but I forgot that the camera doesn't adjust for that on videos. BUT, we laughed so hard when we watched it that I HAD to share it with everyone anyway!!! Watch and laugh with me.....

PS It's way funnier if you don't turn your head sideways ;)

Typical day in the life of the Gibbs kids

This is just another day in the Gibbs household - we have already finished schoolwork for the day, so it's on to other things. Mahala is reading a "letter" that she wrote to Anastacia and Colten is doing his chores. Part of his chores consists of cleaning the kitchen. He also has to clean his room, with the help of Mahala. Sometimes he has to vaccuum the living room. Colten and Mahala both have to help with the laundry, cause with five in the family there is lots of it!!!!!!!
Okay, so for my first post (well, technically my 2nd), I want to tell you about our latest goings on. Some of you may not know, but we recently began homeschooling. We are part of a school called Tower Christian School and our "classroom" is our dining room. So, this week we have been studying the Egyptians and the pyramids and stuff. Our fun activity for yesterday was to dress up like a mummy. This is a picture of Colten wrapped up in toilet tissue, pretending to be a mummy. We thought it was lots of fun.....

Woo-hoo!!! I did it!!!

I finally did it! I created my first blog! I am so excited. I hope this is as much fun as others have told me it is.