Anastacia had her first set of shots today. It went well - I nursed her while the nurse was giving her the shots and she didn't cry very much. She got 3 shots total, I almost couldn't stand it. I had to go by myself b/c Shawn had to work. Brandy kept Colten and Mahala b/c they were very upset at the thought of their baby sister getting shots, so I did not think it would be a good idea for them to be there. She is sore, she has been crying off and on. We are giving her some tylenol for the soreness and praying a lot. It was really cool b/c we were driving down the road and she was crying really hard, so Shawn and I both started praying and she got really quiet. A few minutes later she let out a yell like she was hurting again, so we both instantly started praying. She whimpered just a second and then stopped. I know that God is watching over her and He will take care of her.
Oh, she weighed 14 lbs 15 oz and measured 24 inches long. The doctor was shocked at how much she has gained since birth - she said my milk must be very good!! She said that Anastacia is in the 90th percentile for her weight and the 74th percentile for her length. So that explains the double chin!!!
1 comment:
Hello Gibbs Family! We had to come over and check out your blog! This is the first we've seen of your beautiful princess! She was born after we left. She is so adorable. She looks like her mama! Great to see the family pictures. Just wanted to say hi! Miss you all.
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