Friday, August 29, 2008
Anastacia's first immunizations
Park Day with Tower Christian School
Mahala posing - pretending like she was playing in the sand - not so much least not as much as Colten.
She was, however very interested in swinging. She stayed in this swing for over 1/2 an hour with her friend Haddie pushing her.
Can you believe I actually got a picture?!!!?? I am always the photographer, so I don't usually make it into the pictures. But Shawn actually took the camera and said "Here, let me take a picture of you and Anastacia." My sweet hubby!!!
So, as you can see, we had a great time. Oh, one last picture - this was hilarious! Colten was running backwards across the sand with a shovel in his hand and he fell. :>o And I caught it on camera....hahahahaha!!!!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Just watch....
Okay, I know this is so dumb b/c I videoed it sideways (freak!) - but I forgot that the camera doesn't adjust for that on videos. BUT, we laughed so hard when we watched it that I HAD to share it with everyone anyway!!! Watch and laugh with me.....
PS It's way funnier if you don't turn your head sideways ;)