Saturday, November 8, 2008
Welcome to Blogland!!!
New 'Do
Look at those lips!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Word Works
Our Bible study this week was on Bathsheba. It's funny because I never looked at the story of David and Bathsheba from the perspective of Bathsheba. I think most people would agree that we all concentrate on David's side of the story. But our Bible study required us to think a little more deeply about Bathsheba's motives and to examine our own motives in life. It really made me think about how my state of mind can affect the decisions I make. I mean, think about Bathsheba. If her husband had been at home, available to her and making her feel like a wonderful wife and woman, she might have made a different decision. Or if she had been focused on God instead of feeling sorry for herself because her noble man was out fighting the king's battle. But instead, she was probably feeling vulnerable and insecure about herself. So when King David called for her, she jumped at the chance to feel loved. (This is all my interpretation, some people saw her as the victim). Regardless, it made me think about how when I am not keeping my eyes focused on God, it is so much easier to fall into sin. Just like David, if he had been out on the battlefield, where he was supposed to be, instead of bored out of his mind in his castle - he wouldn't have called for her in the first place. Then this whole situation could have been avoided, the baby wouldn't have died and there wouldn't have been curses on David's house. Thank God that He is so merciful and forgives us when we make stupid decisions. Once David's sin was revealed and he repented, God was able to use him. Ultimately, God uses David and Bathsheba because Jesus is one of their descendants.
It really made me think about how we need to be so careful to remain focused on God. The times I fall into sin are the times when I have let my eye stray to my circumstances instead of God. Instead of looking at how huge my God is, I am focused on how scary the storm is. If I will just continue reading the Word, meditating on it and speaking it out, all the while praying to God and maintaining that relationship, I won't be as likely to fall. But every time I get sidetracked, satan is right there to steal, kill and destroy anything he can get his hands on. It is so important to be led by the Holy Spirit and allow our footsteps to be ordered by God. There is NO storm that is too big for Him to calm. And there is nothing more peaceful than abiding in Him in the midst of the storms of life.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Homemade Potato Soup
Easy, Creamy Potato Soup Recipe #15165
Easy and very creamy soup with taste! Great served with grilled cheese sandwiches. Will satisfy even the meat lovers in your family.
by Karen From Colorado
30 min 10 min prep
5-6 large potatoes, peeled and cut into bite size pieces
1/2-1 lb bacon
1/4-1/2 cup flour
3 cups chicken broth
2 cups heavy cream
3/4 cup frozen corn kernels or whole kernel corn, drained
1 medium onion, diced
6 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup butter (optional)
salt and pepper, to taste
Fry bacon until crisp (see recipe #242966 for homemade bacon bit tips). Remove to paper towels to drain. Reserve bacon grease.
Meanwhile, boil potatoes in a large dutch oven in water; do not add salt! Drain.
Pour reserved bacon grease into empty dutch oven; saute onion and garlic in reserved bacon grease until onion is lightly browned.
Add flour to the sauted onion mixture, stirring to evenly brown; add cream and stir constantly until mixture thickens; add chicken broth and stir until bubbly.
Stir potatoes, corn and crumbled bacon into the soup; add butter, salt and pepper to taste. (you may not need salt. Bacon is very salty) Simmer until butter is melted and stirred into soup.
Add milk at little at a time if soup is too thick for your tastes.
© 2008 Recipezaar. All Rights Reserved.
This soup was so creamy, different from others I have made in the past. And it was just a really heartwarming soup for the cool weather. I did a few things differently, simply b/c I was trying to use the stuff I had in my own kitchen without going to the store. I did not use bacon at all, so to saute the onions I had to use shortening and butter. I also didn't have garlic, so I used garlic powder. I used creamed corn instead of kernel b/c that's what I had. The last thing I did differently is that I added a five cheese blend b/c my family loves cheese. I think that this made a big difference in the flavor, so if your family likes cheese I would suggest going with it! I think that this soup could be made into a spicy southwestern style soup and be really delicious (minus the bacon, of course). I can't wait to try it with bacon, but even if we don't like the bacon, I will definitely be doing this soup again. I might try some mexicorn next time and maybe some spicy cheddar cheese.
More funny faces....
Some of these are recent and some are older. This first one is not too long ago when we were outside playing in the mud.
This one was about 2 years ago, when we first moved to California. We were in the parking lot at Target and it was raining. I think we were in the car waiting for Shawn to come out and I was bored, so I started taking pictures. Then Shawn came out and he took this one of me. I took the next one after of him. He's gonna kill me for posting it!
These two were taken about 3 years ago at Thanksgiving in GA. It was the year before we moved to California, so Mahala was right before 2 years old. These were some good memories. We were at Granny McNeal's house stuffing ourselves full of the best Thanksgiving food ever!!!!! Boy, I miss those days!!

Wow, I enjoyed doing this post. Looking back through all of my pictures, brought back some memories. Made me long for our family back in Georgia. We love all of you and miss you so much!!!!!
Funny face
Homemade Clay
1 cup cornstarch
1 1/4 cups water
Mix the ingredients together in a medium pan and cook over medium heat until the mixture resembles soft mashed potatoes. Remove from heat and cool in the fridge for about 30 minutes or until you can hold it. You can play with it and then seal in an airtight container, or make ornaments and leave overnight to dry.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mahala's cooking
The first touch she said was slimy, so she was a little hesitant at first:
But then she dug in!!!
She was so proud of herself.
I even let her put it in the oven all by herself!
Mahala was so excited that she had cooked supper. She told Daddy that she had done it all by herself!!! These kids are really getting into the cooking thing, I am amazed. Mahala is the perfect little homemaker! Before long, they will be running the household, LOL!
Fall Explosion
This is my little giraffe. She was so cute. I had 3 different people come up to me and say "Oh my gosh, I thought you were holding a stuffed animal" when I was holding her in my arms. It was really funny. She didn't even seem to be bothered by the big stuffed head on top of her head.
Here is my pirate captain. I was a little skeptical about this costume, I am not big on pirates. But Daddy loves Pirates of the Caribbean and so does Colten, so majority ruled. He really was handsome in his costume. He even had an "earring." He thought he was cool!
And here is my sweet little bride. I called her the "bride of Christ" cause Daddy was not happy about his little girl being dressed as a bride at 4 1/2 years old!!! So that is how I convinced him to let her dress up like this. The costume was a handmade by Brandy's mom when Brandy was about 7 years old. It was so special and I was so nervous to have Mahala wearing it, but she did pretty good. Right up until we got home and I found out that she had chewed a hole in her glow bracelet and the ORANGE liquid had leaked all down the dress. Wanna know how I figured it out? She was GLOWING in the dark when we walked into our house that night!!! Leave it to Mahala, that little girl is so much like her mama. I yanked the dress off of her and threw it in the wash immediately. Whew! It all came out. That's the last time one of my kids borrows an heirloom for their halloween costume!!! (or anything else) Big thanks to Brandy for being awesome enough to risk her special outfit being ruined. That was so sweet and thoughtful of her, cause it was way better than the store bought versions we found.
Finally, the pumpkins are done!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Four year old shots
Actually, I'm really proud of her. When I was little it took a doctor, two nurses and my mom to give me just one shot! I was a fighter. I hated needles with a passion!! I still do, but now I have to act like a big girl. To tell you how much I hate needles, I have had three children and never had an epidural. With Anastacia, I didn't have ANY drugs at all, not even an IV! That's how much I hate needles. I would rather deal with the pain than have a huge needle stuck in my back! Of course, Anastacia was a supernatural childbirth, but the first two were definitely NOT!!
OK, so this post wasn't supposed to be about me, but I wanted to let you know why I am so proud of her. Even though she fought a little, she got over it really quick (which I never did) and she walked out of that office with her head held high and an ice pack on each arm, LOL!! So here are a couple of pictures of my big girl:

Playing with toys
Anastacia has been grasping toys for a little while and maybe even shaking them by accident, but this is the first time she has "on purpose" shook a toy! And I caught it on video!!! I love it when that happens! I know there is a ton of distracting ME noise, but every time I said "yay Anastacia" she would smile and do it again. So I kept saying it to keep her going. I took a second video that I didn't post here because I stopped saying "yay Anastacia" and she got really mad!!! The little munchkin has found her temper over the last few days and it ain't always perty!!! Anyway, I was excited about this new skill that she has learned and I wanted to share it with everyone!