Mahala got baptized last night at Celebration in Clovis. She was so-o-o excited, she could hardly contain herself!!! Pastor Adam Jordan was the minister and Daddy got to help (Mommy was videoing and taking pics). I missed the part where Pastor Adam asked her if she knew Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior, but then he says "I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit" and down she goes!!! It was so awesome - Daddy even had tears in his eyes, it was very touching.
Mahala got saved at Vacation Bible School at Celebration about 2 months ago and we talked to her about what it means to have Jesus in your heart. Then we explained to her that one of the first things she needs to do is get water baptized. She was a little hesitant at first, but the more we talked about it, the more excited she got. Mahala also has been baptized in the Holy Spirit - she prays in tongues often. The other morning she was playing in her room all by herself (well, her stuffed animals were there) and Colten came running to the kitchen where I was. He wanted me to come listen to her. I cracked open the door quietly and there she was playing with her animals in her tent and praying quietly in the Holy Spirit. I listened for a little while with tears in my eyes - it was so precious. I love that my children are growing up with the knowledge of Jesus Christ and a true grasp on the Word of God. They will never have the fear or the insecurities of not knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior!! We are so blessed!!!
This is a picture of Daddy and Mahala right after she was baptized....This was taken after she changed out of her wet clothes....