Sunday, January 4, 2009

First tooth

Anastacia has cut her first tooth - FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!! Let me tell you how it happened. It happened two nights ago. The whole family was sitting in the living room praying before we went to bed. I was holding Anastacia while Shawn prayed (he always goes last b/c we go in order of age and rank, LOL). So, I was letting Anastacia gnaw on my chin cause she loves to do that and it keeps her quiet - otherwise she tries to pray at least as loudly as the person who is supposed to be praying at the time. Shawn was almost to the end of his prayer and Anastacia was happily gnawing on my chin when all of a sudden I felt something sharp hit my chin. I pulled back and felt in her mouth and sure enough, there it was!!! She cut her first little tooth right on my chin!!! It is her bottom right incisor - I think that's what it's called. The tooth on the very front of her mouth. She looked like she was really proud of it. So Shawn was still praying and I just start laughing out loud. Well, if he wasn't winding down already, he was then. So he said "Amen" and then he and Colten want to know why I am laughing. (Mahala had already fallen asleep beside me, so she didn't even find out until the next day.) So I told Shawn and Colten and they went and washed their hands and came to feel the tooth. We were all very excited b/c hopefully this means that her erratic sleep patterns will come to an end. It looks like the one next to it is trying to come in, too. So hopefully it will pop through as well and give her some relief. She has been chewing on everything, drooling everywhere and her nose is running like crazy. Not to mention she has been a bit needy and irritable at times.

Yay for Anastacia - another milestone for her in less than a week. Busy little girl!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so happy for her! I hope she can sleep now, especially for you :).. And I love your new page btw its totally cute!!!

Jocelyn Lykins said...

Yeah for Anastacia!

Aguayo Family said...

I am so excited for her!!! She is moving right along and growing up so fast. It sure doesn't seem like she'll be a year in May!!! I am sure she is learning alot from her big brother and sister!!