Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Can we say "overwhelmed"!!!

Okay, so I am a little bit overwhelmed....we have moved into our new home and we are so excited but I feel like I am not making any progress. I know that I am b/c there are no longer boxes IN THE MIDDLE OF the walkway, but there are still boxes in my kitchen, bedrooms, foyer, living room, EVERYWHERE!!!!! I know that this is all a process, but can't I just pay someone to come and do this for me?? Maybe not, cause then nothing would be where I wanted it and I wouldn't like that very much either.

Well, ANYWAY, we are moved in! And we do absolutely love having a yard. We spent all day Monday doing yard work - trimming dead branches from trees, cutting overgrown limbs, planting bulbs, etc. It was so peaceful and relaxing to be able to work in the yard again. There is so much to be done inside and out....Shawn and I both have lots of "honey-do" projects! I think I need to just sit down and make a list and start checking things off. Then maybe I will be able to see the progression and feel a little better about the whole moving in thing.

I will try to start posting more often...we will see. Anastacia's birthday is only a week away and still no plans for a party yet, we have tons of things to do on that weekend. We will probably just celebrate with a birthday dinner until I can throw together a party!! She took six steps in a row yesterday and then fell into my arms. She took a few after that, but hasn't taken more than one or two today. I cannot believe she is so close to walking, feels like yesterday that she was born and now she's about to take off walking! It's gonna be so much fun, though!

1 comment:

Sheri Twing said...

Yeah! You're all moved! It'll all come together. I know that feeling of wanting it all done RIGHT NOW! The mountains of boxes can definitely be overwhelming. You'll get it all done, it just takes time. And you're right, even if you did pay someone, you wouldn't like the way they did it, neither would I!

Little Anastacia is walking! Six steps is a big deal! How fun to plan a one year party. So much going on for you guys right now.
Can't wait to see pictures of the new house!