Friday, December 19, 2008

Hail storm in Fresno

We had hail in Fresno!  I have a video that I would like to share from the hailstorm.  My kids got so excited about it that they wanted to run out and play in the hail.  So we all went out and I pulled out the camera.  This video is Mahala running excitedly out into the storm.  She was holding Daddy's hand and when he decided to stop, she kept going.....guess what happens???

1 comment:

Miss Brandy and the White Family said...

I can't believe you encouraged them to go out in the hail! Abigail wanted to go out in it, too, but I told her she'd get hurt! It was cool, though, and if I wasn't talking to you when it started at your house, I may not have been able to share that experience with her. :o) Thanks for sharing this video! Is Mahala's butt okay?! ;o)