Monday, February 2, 2009

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

Poppy gave Colten a house building kit for Christmas. So Daddy and Colten worked hard one afternoon and put the little house together. I even got a little involved and laid a few bricks myself. The house was certainly not the greatest looking piece of architecture around, but it was a lot of fun to build. What was even more fun was when we decided that it wasn't worth living in and we needed to do an "extreme makeover" Colten style!!!! Here is a video of our Extreme Makeover. This little army tank is one that Granny and Papa gave Colten for Christmas. Although you can't see it very well on video, the tank shoots plastic bb's. So we blasted the house first with those, then Colten ran smack over it and finished it off. Needless to say, we had a "blast" making this video, LOL!!!!!!


Rick and Sheri said...

I love it! This is a great video! It's such a boy thing to do, isn't it? Looks like they had fun.

Four Lil Monkeys said...

Yes, it is truly a boy thing - although, I must say, I kinda got a little thrill myself!!!