Friday, October 10, 2008

Mighty women of God

Yeah, yeah, Cortnee beat me to it - but now's my chance!

We had Word Works last night and it was amazing, as always. I agree with Cortnee, I am watching my women grow in leaps and bounds already!!! I cannot believe the hunger these ladies have inside them for the Word of God!!!! They are so excited about what He is doing in their lives and eager to share that with others. It's really cool to sit back and observe how they interact with one another and I am more than honored to be allowed to do so. I am learning how to see others as God sees them and I get so excited about the gifts within each of my beautiful ladies. They are truly mighty women of God and I cannot wait to see what God does over this next year in their lives.

I was just thinking about something - have you ever watched a new baby and tried to experience life through their eyes? I look at my little Anastacia and I see all of the new things that she is learning and I wonder how the world looks to her: she gets excited over all of the bright colors and when she sees a shadow on the wall, she will "talk" to it. She smiles at the sound of my voice and she feels comforted by the smell of her daddy. She laughs at her Bubba when he acts silly and she loves to hear her sissy sing. She is experiencing all of the same things that I am, but they are "new" to her and she appreciates them a lot more than I do.

That is how it is with a new Christian. There is really nothing new about Jesus - He is the same yesterday, today and forever. But to look at Jesus from the perspective of a new Christian, He is so exciting and so new. A babe in Christ sees the same things that I take for granted and they get excited. They revel in the smell of His presence and they take comfort in the freedom of worshipping Him. They laugh just because they can and they get joy from being able to sing in His presence. They are thankful for each new day, they look at His creation around them and they are in awe. The colors are brighter to them and the smells are sweeter. They want to talk about Jesus and share Him with others and they aren't ashamed to do so. There is a bounce in their step and a smile on their face! Oh, the things I can learn from a new Christian!!!


Aguayo Family said...

You are an awesome speaker, as you've always been, but I just realized something... we should have that excitement about God too. A new christian is enthusiastic and we should be too. We do take it for granted how much he really does for us from the tiniest gift card to finding my husband a new job.
Praise God Today!!

Four Lil Monkeys said...

Thanks for your compliment, Kari! I was just sharing my thoughts cause God was just convicting me about having that same enthusiasm, too. Sometimes I get caught up in just living life and I forget to stop and enjoy the moment!!

Rick and Sheri said...

Awesome words Kari and Larena! You're exactly right, sometimes we lose the excitement about God and how mighty He is in our lives! Even if He never did another thing for us, He's already done more than we could ever ask for! Thanks for sharing that word!

Brewskie said...

What a powerful reminder! That was so awesome. We too easily get caught up with the day to day things and forget to enjoy the little things, like keeping the excitement in our relationship with Jesus. Thanks for your wonderful words!

Kristi said...

Great post Larena. I love how you compared your little Anastasia and a new christian. What a great perspective to stop and think about.
Good word.

Four Lil Monkeys said...

Thank you all for your compliments, I enjoyed sharing what God has been revealing to me. That's what is so great about blogging, it's like this journal where you can share all of your private thoughts and people get to peek into your thoughts and give you feedback. I really enjoy reading about all of you and what is going through your mind. Thank YOU all for reading!!!

Kristi said...

Larena...Are you there? We have missed you in Blogland....haha!! jk