Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Checkin in.....

Yep, we are still here! We had our God Encounter weekend this past weekend, so it's been crazy!!! As always, it was amazing!!!! God always moves mightily during those weekends and we come home feeling joyful, exuberant, encouraged and exhausted!!! This weekend was different because I came home feeling all of those except exhausted. I actually feel more energized and like I could conquer the whole world. I needed that and I just wanted to share that with all of you! God is so good and He always comes through for us just when we need it. We are getting our vision back, the devil has been trying to steal it from us, but God is restoring it. We are dreaming again, like we haven't done in a while and we are dreaming BIG!!!! I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us over the next few weeks, cause satan has fought us so strongly over the past few weeks. He has stolen from us and he has tried to destroy us, but no more. God is restoring us.

Some praise reports: A friend of mine had a tumor that the doctors wanted to biopsy b/c they were concerned about it. She asked me to stand in prayer that it would shrink or go away so that she wouldn't have to have a biopsy. We did and the tumor shrunk down to a tiny nodule and she doesn't have to have the biopsy done!!!

Second, some of you already know, my best friend since childhood has a four year old daughter named Maddie who has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma. This is a type of cancer and when they started, she had tumors in her chest and covering her abdomen. They were HUGE tumors, the doctor said she was a stage four, which is NOT good. Maddie has had four treatments of chemo and the doctors are absolutely amazed at her response to the treatments. The tumors in her chest are completely gone and the one in her abdomen has had "marked" change. They have been astounded by her progress and we all know that it is only the Hand of God that does this. We have been standing in prayer with Angela and her family since July 23, when this all began. Maddie has been through a lot, but she continues to amaze and astound the medical community, even setting records on things such as her bone marrow harvest (the doctors harvested enough cells to do FOUR bone marrow transplants and they've never done that before in one bone marrow harvest)!!!!! Angela continues to report to me how good God has been to them through all of junk the devil is bringing against them. The greatest thing that has come from all of this is that God has come into their lives in a BIG way! He is doing signs, wonders and miracles through them!

Last praise report that I will share (there are SO many): Another friend of mine had her car stolen. She stood in prayer that her car would be returned, that the person would just abandon it and that it would be evidence that God was strong and big in her life. She got a call exactly one month and one week after it had been stolen saying that her car had been found and was at a tow company and that she could pick it up. When she went to pick up the car, the attendant said that they had never had a stolen car returned in the condition that her car was in: absolutely nothing was missing from her car, even a purse in the back seat that had $6 in it. Nothing was damaged or broken in the car and the gas tank had a full tank of gas!!!!! The only thing that the car needed was to be washed cause it was dusty like it had been abandoned!!!! How awesome is our God!!!!! He answered her prayer and He showed Himself strong in her life!!!

Just wanted to share some encouraging news in the midst of all the bad news we hear each day. Our God is El Shaddai, the God of more than enough and He is still supplying all of our needs in this day. He is still a Healer and He still loves us. I give Him praise for all of this and so much more. I have so many more things that I could share, but not enough time or space here.

Love you all! Be encouraged!!!


Aguayo Family said...

I am soo excited to hear about all your praise reports... I have one too, Friday I got ready to go to the bank and I planned to tithe our 10%. Well When I looked at our bills and our check all in all I would have only $40 for food aside of our tithe. I told God we have to tithe so... well before I left for the bank and store I found a $25 giftcard to walmart, where we do our grocery shopping. Now, we had enough money for our food how awesome is God. We had that card for 3 months, but forgot all about it. Thank You Larena!!!

Rick and Sheri said...

Larena, this is an awesome post! Your words shared are ministering to people who are checking out your blog and they are encouraging them and giving them a hope! Because if God does it for one, as we all know so well, he can do it for another! Your praise reports are incredible. Your faith and perseverance through all the enemy has thrown at you will lead you through to the victory! Awesome stuff you've shared!

Four Lil Monkeys said...

Kari - awesome praise report!! I'm so glad you shared that with me!

Pastor Sheri - thank you for reading and thank you for your positive words. It is my prayer that there are many out there who will read these praise reports and any encouraging words on my blog and be affected. God is so awesome - we can't help but share!!!