Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Playing with toys

Anastacia has been grasping toys for a little while and maybe even shaking them by accident, but this is the first time she has "on purpose" shook a toy! And I caught it on video!!! I love it when that happens! I know there is a ton of distracting ME noise, but every time I said "yay Anastacia" she would smile and do it again. So I kept saying it to keep her going. I took a second video that I didn't post here because I stopped saying "yay Anastacia" and she got really mad!!! The little munchkin has found her temper over the last few days and it ain't always perty!!! Anyway, I was excited about this new skill that she has learned and I wanted to share it with everyone!

1 comment:

Sheri Twing said...

This is the cutest video. She is so adorable. I'm so glad you caught it! Usually they stop the cute stuff as soon as you get the camera ready!